Corporate Principle
Harness the power of chemistry to create a better future
As one of the few companies specializing in inorganic fluorides, we have contributed to the development of society by continuing to provide specialized products.
Support the well-being of employees
We have supported the lives of employees and their families by providing stable jobs.
Morita’s Way
Apply materials and technologies that meet the needs of the times and enrich peopleʼs lives
To set the standard for the future as a group of professionals working together in the field of chemistry with the aim of solving the problems facing the world
- Courage: Take on new challenges
- We really listen to our customers and never stop innovating.
- Trust: Be sincere
- We value the trust all our stakeholders place in us and seek to make a profit in a fair and honest manner.
- Teamwork: Be tolerant
- We learn together with our coworkers who respect other peopleʼs diverse values, pool our wisdom, and work to stay ahead of the curve.
Corporate Philosophy
Founding Vision
Take on new challenges
There is no success without trying. There is always a chance to succeed as long as you try.
Venture forward into the unknown
Management philosophy: Follow our own path
Value harmony among people
“Morita Chemical Industries is a family.” “Labor and management are like two halves of a whole."
Corporate Creed
一以貫之 “Ichi wo Motte Kore wo Tsuranuku”
• Stay the course
• 仁(Jin) : Remain loyal and give back, be sincere and

Always looking beyond the current era, constantly striving to create new products and develop new technologies, we aim to set the Future Standard for fluorine compounds.